
Coconut oil

100% oil diet helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and contains the necessary fatty acids entering into the hair and restore them, giving hair shine. With anti - bacterial and anti - fungal properties, coconut oil cleans the scalp, strengthening the hair and contributing their growth as well as preventing the fragility and loss of hair.
• Coconut oil gives the necessary nutrition for your skin, making it very tender.
• You can follow any responses to use coconut oil as a means for removing eye make-up, Is cleaned by applying a small amount of oil directly on the skin and erased on.

• gives freshness and enhances the vitality of cellsImg
• Coconut oil prevents stretch marks during pregnancy.
• Coconut oil, being a wonderful protective screen the skin from exposure to strong sun rays, prevents sunburn.
• You can use the wonderful coconut oil as massage oil.
• Coconut oil is a very good moisturizer skin.
• suffer from chapped lips? Regularly apply coconut oil on them.